Partnership Yardsticks

NextGen demands full commitment and dedication to the program's successful implementation. This commitment is essential because it ensures that educators and stakeholders are fully invested in the program's objectives, methodologies, and desired outcomes. With unwavering dedication, the program's potential for positive impact on students' holistic development and academic achievement is maximized, ultimately contributing to a more enriching and effective educational experience.

  • Schools should possess essential teaching materials, employ teachers with a strong command of their subjects, and cultivate a willingness to adopt innovative and effective teaching approaches.
  • NextGen takes in only selected and committed schools in an area.
  • Teacher training and professional development clusters should be made available to guide the educators on effective program implementation.
  • Schools can continue their own way learning and teaching without any interference from NextGen as well. Nevertheless, schools are encouraged to inform the NextGen team about the learning outcomes derived from the curriculum units.
  • The program offers one or two units of aligned lessons every week during the initial
  • stage of program implementation.