Learner Image

Students create their self-image and apply information from the different subject areas in
character building.
They become achiever, civic minded, world member, imaginative creative, conscientious, critical
thinker and open minded.
Learner Image Elements:

  • Achiever: Consistently demonstrates outstanding performance in both academically and overall educational journey. Encompasses a range of qualities that make stand out.
  • Civic Minded: Socially aware, responsible, actively engaged in community service, and demonstrates responsibility, and empathy. Collaborates with others, upholds ethical principles, values diversity, speaks for social justice and environmental sustainability.
  • World-member: Becomes an active member of a global community, fosters an awareness of the interconnectedness of the world, has a sense of responsibility towards global issues, and shows a commitment to promoting positive change on a global scale. Understands diverse cultures, values inclusivity, respects human rights.
  • Imaginative and Creative: Thinks creatively, visualizes new ideas, and explores various possibilities beyond conventional thinking. Generates innovative solutions, comes up with original concepts, and approaches problems from unique angles. Has capacity for creativity in art, writing, or other creative endeavors, and an openness to experimenting with different perspectives and ideas.
  • Conscientious: Demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility, diligence, and integrity in endeavors. Engaged in a thorough and careful in work, consistently meets deadlines and fulfils commitments. Pays attention to detail, takes studies seriously, and strives for excellence.
  • Critical Thinker: Able to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information and ideas systematically and objectively. Asks questions, examines evidence, and considers different perspectives before forming conclusions or making decisions. Involves in skills such as reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and effective communication.
  • Open-minded: Has willingness and ability to consider and respects diverse viewpoints, ideas, perspectives without prejudice or judgment. Approaches new information and experiences with a receptive and non-discriminatory attitude, values the opportunity to learn from different viewpoints and cultures, is open to change, adaptable, and is willing to revise beliefs or opinions.