Learner Value Elements

  • Compassionate: Demonstrates a deep and genuine empathy for others and a sincere desire to alleviate their suffering or distress. Shows kindness, understanding, and consideration toward their peers, teachers, and the broader community. Seeks to help and support those in need, whether through acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply by offering a listening ear to someone who is struggling.
  • Zestful: Approaches academic and extracurricular activities with enthusiasm, energy, and a vibrant sense of excitement. Has passion for learning and eagerness to participate in school activities. Exhibits a strong sense of curiosity, actively seeks new challenges and opportunities for growth. Has a positive attitude, optimism and a can-do spirit that is infectious to their peers.
  • Respectful: Demonstrates politeness, consideration, and regard for others in school and in community. Exhibits courteous behavior, which includes listening attentively to teachers and peers, valuing diverse perspectives, and treating everyone with kindness. Appreciates the rules and expectations of the school, as well as for the personal boundaries and opinions of their fellow students and educators.
  • Self-reliant: Demonstrates a high degree of independence, responsibility, and the ability to take initiative in educational journey, is proactive in managing academic responsibilities, organizing tasks, and setting and achieving goals. Takes ownership of learning, is well-organized, manages time effectively.
  • Curious: Possesses a strong and innate desire to explore, inquire, and seek knowledge about the world around them. Exhibits a natural inquisitiveness that drives to ask questions, investigate new concepts, and engages enthusiastically with their learning experiences. Demonstrates a genuine passion for learning and is intrinsically motivated, is a lifelong learner.
  • Decency: Displays behavior characterized by moral integrity, respect, and consideration for others in their interactions. Treats their peers, teachers, and staff with kindness, fairness, and empathy. Adheres to a code of conduct that upholds ethical values, such as honesty, trustworthiness, and responsibility.
  • Resolute: Possesses a strong determination, unwavering commitment, and steadfastness in pursuing their goals and overcoming challenges. Demonstrates persistence, resilience, and a willingness to face difficulties even in the face of setbacks. Works diligently and remains focused on aspirations. Has a "never give up" attitude and perseveres.
  • Resilient: Has an ability to bounce back, adapt, and thrive in the face of adversity, or challenges encountered during educational journey. Demonstrates emotional strength, and a positive mindset. Views difficulties as opportunities for growth and learning.