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The core philosophy of NextGen guides the entire partner school’s program, emphasizing student-centeredness, experiential learning, holistic development, differentiated instruction, critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, teacher as facilitator, flexible curriculum, and assessment for excellence.

Student-Centeredness: The program emphasizes the needs, interests, and abilities of individual students. It recognizes that each child is unique and promotes personalized learning experiences.

Experiential Learning: The program encourages hands-on, active learning experiences. It aligns learning through doing, exploring, and interacting with the environment. Students are encouraged to engage in real-life experiences, experiments, projects, and field trips.

Holistic Development: The program aims to foster the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of students. It values the whole child and promotes the integration of academic subjects.

Differentiated Instruction: This program recognizes that students have different learning styles, interests, and paces. It advocates for individualized instruction, allowing students to progress at their own speed and pursue their unique interests.

Critical Thinking and Inquiry-Based Learning: The program emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills and encourages students to ask questions, investigate, analyze, and reflect. It values the process of learning as much as the content itself.

Teacher as a Facilitator: Progressive education views teachers as facilitators and guides rather than mere transmitters of knowledge. Teachers create supportive environments, encourage student autonomy, and facilitate the learning process through scaffolding and mentorship through this program.

Flexible Curriculum: Progressive education promotes a flexible curriculum that adapts to the needs and interests of students. It encourages interdisciplinary approaches, project-based learning, and the integration of technology and real-world applications.

Assessment: The program provides all the guidelines and support to the ongoing assessment and feedback. It values authentic and alternative forms of assessment, such as portfolios, presentations, and performances, in addition to traditional tests and exams.