Content Organization of Units

The NextGen Curriculum organizes each unit to ensure smooth and meaningful learning and teaching. The unit structure follows a specific order:
Driving Question: The driving question is the central, overarching inquiry that guides the entire unit. It is designed to engage students, spark their curiosity, and provide a clear focus for their learning.
Related Questions: Related questions are sub-questions that support and expand upon the driving question. These questions help students explore various aspects of the topic, delving deeper into the subject matter.
Immersion (Experiential Learning Process): The immersion phase immerses students in hands-on, real-world experiences related to the unit's theme. This phase aims to activate prior knowledge, build connections, and provide a foundation for further learning.
Learning Sequences: Learning sequences are carefully structured activities and lessons that guide students through the learning process. These sequences are designed to build upon each other, gradually increasing in complexity and depth.
Assessments (with Tools and Strategies): Assessments are integrated throughout the unit to measure student progress and understanding. The NextGen Curriculum provides a variety of assessment tools and strategies, including formative assessments for ongoing feedback and summative assessments for evaluating overall learning outcomes.
By organizing units in this manner, the NextGen Curriculum ensures that learning and teaching are coherent, engaging, and effective. The driving question sets the stage for meaningful inquiry, while related questions and immersion experiences provide a solid foundation for deeper exploration. Learning sequences scaffold knowledge and skills, and assessments help teachers and students track progress and identify areas for growth.