Core of NextGen Pre-School Curriculum

At the heart of our program, we hold fundamental convictions regarding the presence of distinct facets of development, which we comprehensively categorize into five primary realms:
1. Language and Literacy: A realm dedicated to the acquisition of language skills, including spoken and written communication, and the development of literacy proficiency, nurturing effective communication and reading abilities.
2. Physical Development: The realm focuses on a child's physical growth, motor skills, and bodily well-being, promoting their overall physical health and vitality.
3. Cognitive Development: Cognitive development encompasses a child's intellectual growth, problem-solving abilities, and cognitive processes, facilitating their capacity for critical thinking and mental acuity.
4. Social-Emotional Development: This realm concerns a child's capacity to navigate social interactions, manage emotions, and build healthy relationships, fostering their emotional intelligence and social competencies.
5. Learning Orientations: This sphere encompasses a child's inclinations, attitudes, and approaches toward learning, reflecting their unique learning style and mindset. These realms form the bedrock of our program, guiding our approach to nurturing every facet of a child's growth and development with precision and care. In essence, the NextGen Curriculum represents a comprehensive and all-encompassing approach to early childhood education, reflecting its holistic nature. It is designed to address the multifaceted aspects of a child's development, embracing not only their cognitive growth but also their physical, social-emotional, and creative dimensions.