NextGen Pre-School Philosophical Foundation

The philosophical foundation in NextGen education encompasses fundamental beliefs, principles, and values that wield an indelible influence over every facet of a preschool’s internal architecture. It serves as the keystone upon which the school’s mission, objectives, curriculum, pedagogical strategies, and overarching approach to the art of teaching and the science of learning are structured. NextGen preschool foundation represents the deep-rooted worldview that lays the intellectual groundwork for educators' understanding of the very essence of the early childhood education. When it comes to curriculum development, our philosophical bedrock emerges as an indispensable compass, steering the course and setting the tone for the entire educational journey. Curriculum, as the heart and soul of education, is profoundly influenced by our philosophical underpinnings. The fundamental beliefs, values, and principles actively inform and guide the selection of curriculum content, the pedagogical methodologies employed, and the assessment strategies embraced. The philosophy shapes the choices regarding what subjects are to be taught, how knowledge is to be imparted, and the means by which learning outcomes are to be evaluated. Its profound influence is most pronounced in the realm of curriculum development, where it plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape. As the curriculum serves as the very soul of education, the alignment between this philosophical foundation and the curriculum is a prerequisite for fostering meaningful and effective educational experiences. NextGen Philosophy of Pre-school Education

  • Children exhibit a natural proclivity for active learning. A fundamental avenue through which learning is facilitated is purposeful play. Deliberate and thoughtful planning fosters immersive learning encounters that beckon active participation, encompass diverse contexts, and ignite the senses, thereby empowering children to investigate and comprehend their surroundings.
  • Every child possesses the innate capacity for learning, progress, and achievement, regardless of their individual circumstances. NextGen preschool curriculum is thoughtfully designed to encompass the entire spectrum of childhood diversity. These standards are all-encompassing, reaching out to children.
  • Our curriculum recognizes that children are wonderfully unique and that their individuality should be celebrated and nurtured within the learning environment.
  • Children progress through their developmental journeys at individual paces, with each child possessing a distinct profile of growth and skill acquisition. It is paramount to recognize and address these unique developmental trajectories by offering apt and equitable support and accommodations, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive.
  • Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted, drawing insights from extensive research in child development. This approach is particularly vital for young learners who exhibit remarkable changes and advancements in a relatively short span.
  • Insights from brain development physiology and findings from educational psychology are integral in shaping the NextGen curriculum. This curriculum is meticulously designed to reciprocate and harmonize with a child's developmental path, tailoring learning activities during their formative preschool years to mirror and enhance their growth. This way, we strive to provide each child with a tailored and enriching educational experience that alignsseamlessly with their unique developmental journey.
  • The NextGen preschool program is thoughtfully informed by insights gleaned from the resources of early childhood education, drawing practical applications from Montessori, Froebel, and Reggio Emilia. In addition, our curriculum integrates a diverse array of activities inspired by the ethos of forest schools, forging a deep connection between children and the natural world.
  • The NextGen program acknowledges the vital role of parental involvement in the holistic development of children. The family unit stands as a profound and enduring influence on a child's lifelongjourney of learning and growth. Actively involving parents in the early educational experiences of their children is not merely beneficial but is indeed pivotal to ensuring children's success in the elementary classroom and their continued learning journey beyond.